The Responsive Fundraising Podcast
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This episode of The Responsive Fundraising Podcast features Larry Johnson, founder of Eight Principles of Sustainable Fundraising. Larry offers insights about donor relations, how to transform your relationship with money and so much more. The best part comes at the end, when he tells a story of a big gift donor who changed the way he saw donor relationships. You don’t want to miss it!

You can find more about Larry Johnson and his coaching by visiting his website.
Key Takeaways

The entire episode is worth a listen, but here are a few takeaways you can start applying today.

  • You should treat your donors as investors. They want to see a return, they want to know that you’re doing the meaningful work with their resources.
  • Transparency, especially as you start growing your millennial donor base, is essential. Now, more than ever, small gift donors want to know as much as the major gift donors.
  • Your nonprofit needs a plan for scaling the highly relational connection to your donors as you grow.
  • Change the way you look at money. If you see money as a tool rather than a goal, you can start to get creative with your resources.
  • Your relationship with your donors after their donation is just as important as before they send their first gift.